
Here’s what men from around the world, just like you, have to say about working with me!

If I could give them testimonials I would say that they are amazing to work with and always put in the work necessary to win!

Borja made a great list of what it takes to be successful in the gym so I thought I would share it with you!

  • Do what you're told to do, don't complain and don't make excuses.

  • Trust the process.

  • Showing up is 90%.

  • One. Rep. At. A. Time.

  • Posture is king.

  • Do what's uncomfortable, or frightening.

  • Always have fun.


Joachim, Norway

I've surpassed other friends who've worked out for months and even years longer than me, this is true!

My confidence has skyrocketed to the point where some colleagues are finding it a little annoying and I love it!

Working out with Mark’s programs have made me feel special, I have noticed increased confidence and a lot greater sense of accomplishment. I'm generally a much happier person right now!

Jason Hagart, Scotland

I have had definitive strength gains in all areas, increased all my main lifts (Snatch, Clean and Jerk) by at least 5kg and my hurdle jump from 54” to 56” in just a couple months, well on track for smashing 60”!

My approach to mobility and prehab has been greatly improved through discussions with Mark and the resources he has shared with me. 

If you are serious about your own development as an athlete/human being then look no further!

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Borja Diez, Spain

I had forgotten how fun going to the gym was and how good it felt when you didn’t feel like going, but then you go and that hour is the single thing that saves your day.

Mark’s been the guy that has smashed my self doubts, aka, the single thing that gets in my way every time I try to become the stronger version of myself.

I feel like a mother fucking beast! Everything hurts less, I've added 20 solid pounds to my deadlift (for now), I look more like an adonis than before (even though I have a looooong way to go).

I have better posture and I know my body, mind and soul much better. Working with Mark has helped me to become wiser, and more humble.

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Leonard Heng, Singapore

Without a doubt the best part of working with Mark has been the increase in my confidence in the gym and life!

I've become more assertive with teaching and coaching my part time students whereas previously, I was afraid to speak up to more senior students.

My explosiveness in terms of jumps has increased significantly and lifting girls is no longer an issue. In dance, a big part of it is partnering and allowing your partner to feel secure and safe with you and I've gotten feedback that I've becoming a more trustworthy partner. Aesthetically, I've definitely gotten a lot bigger 

I've become more proactive in taking up challenges in life and in my sport.

I feel happier and stronger.